We work with children on an individual basis to put together an education plan best suited to their personal needs. Our goal is to help the children reach their full potential and become competent educated adults who are able to lead an independent and fulfilling life.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens to the sponsored child after high school?
What is Mustaqbali?
The Mustaqbali Foundation is a Not for Profit, Charitable Foundation which is registered in Jersey, Channel Islands. It is a legal entity in its own right with a registered address of First Floor, 17 The Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey JE3 8QA Channel Islands, Great Britain. Its registered number in the Jersey Register of Foundations is FD160. The Foundation is administered and overseen by Whitmill Trust Company Limited who are fully licensed and regulated to provide services in relation to Jersey Foundations and act as “a Qualified Member of a Jersey Foundation”.
Whitmill Trust Company Limited is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission.
The Foundation was established by Abraaj Group as part of a joint venture between the private sector and the Welfare Association, a non-profit association.
Through the Foundation structure a holistic 22-year program has been established that empowers orphaned children with the skills and opportunities necessary to lead healthy, independent and productive lives.
The Bank of Palestine, one of the largest national banks operating in Palestine, has also been a major supporter of our programs since 2011.
Currently, we work with 1,522 children and 471 foster families.
What does your name mean?
Mustaqbali is an Arabic word that means “My future”.
Where are you based?
The main program office is located in Gaza, Palestine, one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Our target is to reach the orphans who live in marginalized areas and deprived communities.
The Foundation office is however located in Jersey, Channel Islands.
How does Mustaqbali really work?
The comprehensive program was designed to support children in three main aspects of their lives:
- education at all levels (kindergartens, schools, colleges and universities);
- healthcare and psychosocial services; and
- career development.
Why is Mustaqbali important?
Mustaqbali invests in the future of war-afflicted children. We fill the gap created by the children’s loss of their fathers, or in some cases both parents. We offer a source of support and hope for a promising future.
What kinds of support do you offer?
Mustaqbali provides education, healthcare services and career development to the orphans and their caregivers. For more details please visit the What We Do page.
Do you provide orphans with money?
No, all the support is provided in the form of services.
Who is responsible for Mustaqbali implementation?
Mustaqbali is implemented by the Welfare Association, mainly through a number of local partners who have the required commitment, professional experience and successful track record in serving their communities, with a special emphasis on those that focus on the wellbeing of orphans. This implementation is monitored and reviewed by the Foundation Council and the Program Steering Committee. For more information, please visit the Donors and Partners page.
How is money raised for Mustaqbali?
The main source of our funding has been from The Abraaj Group, who endowed the Jersey Charitable Foundation with an initial sum of USD 10 million, however in order to achieve our goals over the remaining life of the Foundation, we need further financial endowments and support from institutions and individuals alike.
In addition to the direct funding from the Foundation, there have been donors who have supported initiatives which form part of the overall set of the programs being run by the Welfare Association. For more information, please visit the Donors and Partners page.
How do supporters and benefiting orphans communicate?
We provide quarterly reports on sponsored orphans and provide donors with all the required information regarding the condition of the orphans and how they are progressing in the various elements of the program. Upon request from individual donors, we can also arrange direct connections with the beneficiaries under the supervision of the Welfare Association.
Can I support Mustaqbali? Can I contribute?
Yes, your contributions are encouraged! Please visit our Donation page for more information on how you can contribute.
You can also support Mustaqbali by volunteering and spreading the message of our program. Please visit the What You Can Do section for more information.
Who are your supporters?
Please visit the Donors and Partners page for a full list of our supporters.